
Showing posts from 2018

The lords of the cloud will be in trouble sooner than later...

Estamos empezando a aceptar que la información que ponemos en la nube somos nosotros - un poco nosotros mismos, bastante nosotros en realidad.  De la misma forma que hoy en dia se defiende el derecho a la privacidad, es muy probable que en el futuro también sea obligatorio para las compañías proteger ese avatar inmortal: nuestra memoria, las fotos, nuestros recuerdos de todo tipo (incluso nuestras tendencias como consumidor).  Las empresas que se dedican a guardar nuestros datos van a estar en problemas en el futuro, porque será un derecho el que no nos borren, el que no nos “modifiquen”, incluso si dejamos de pagar, borrar nuestros datos sera un crimen semejante a un asesinato.  

Real or Virtual Matter - or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Matrix

On the way to the Space Elevator, an improbable view pop ups through the hyperloop oval window. It is the fleeting mirage of a floating ocean - or a gargantuan aquarium - stealing an entire city block. For a fraction of a second I can hear it, smell it, taste it... that is, I feel the seashore with all my senses. It was late afternoon, and a kaleidoscopic (virtually out-of-this-world) sunset had transfixed me, so it takes me a moment to realize that such experience was anything but real. These were not whales, dolphins and fish - just holographic projections rendered in a carefully crafted simulation (kids these days probably don’t mind the distinction; I guess I am too old not to feel cheated).  Dancing voxels of light: not a single flying fish. A short multimedia choreography took my senses by surprise, prompting that primitive part of my brain always eager to believe. These were fish - these were somehow fish - claims an inner voice rapidly gaining ground in my mind [1]. ...